Sexy fake whores

The sexy fake whores are women or girls hypocrite who disguises himself to win something. The whores deserves all the contempt of the world. What can we say about the sexy women? "The whores are sexy" So what, that does not mean nothing, just a beautiful piece of meat. Ounces of lean meat beautiful we find, hanging on hooks, in specialty stores (butcher shop, slaughterhouses, etc), on all roads. It is the same thing, there is no difference between a whore and a piece of meat from the store. Both are soulless. Is beautifully the righteous man, moderate and good. A sexy woman is bad in almost all points of view, is a sexy fake whore. The women should appreciated after the inner beauty (heart, soul, conscience) not after the outer beauty (sexy legs, beautiful boobs or hot ass). The difference is not in the outward forms The whore is fake. A sexy woman attract looks (and wallets) she is a powerful magnet. The women whores want change. The good people who are in the same place to be transformed evil people with addictions. The whore is a greedy and evil man. Her desire for gain not take into account limits, she goes towards infinity.

Sexy fake whores with dick in pussy. We see pictures with whores but we do not see beyond pictures. The whore is a flatterer who glorify for win. Honey on the tongue, gall in the heart. Beyond legs sexy, beautiful boobs, charming eyes, exist a woman very bad and stinking who thinks only at win. The whore do not find interesting man without defects and without money. She is fucked by anyone as long as that someone has money. The whore is a human false who does not believe in principles, she believes only in money and productive transient relationships, she sucks dick of men for prosperity, prostitution.

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